Hello! You are here because you just received a gift, and you are probably curious why!

The person who gave you something did so to show you God's love in a small, but tangible way.

Important things for you to know about the gift ...

  • The "giver" didn't do it in order to ensure his or her place in Heaven by "doing good works." Instead, God says that we are "created to do good works" after we commit our lives to Him (Ephesians 2:10). It is a way of showing our obedience to and love for Him. The Bible says that no one is righteous (good enough) to get to Heaven by themselves. It is only by faith in Jesus Christ, and the good works come after the faith (and are made possible by God's influence on us as believers).
  • The "giver" also wants you to understand that "every good and perfect gift comes from above" (James 1:17), and this small token you received (even if it was something that seemed big to you!) is actually just a tiny representation of the best gift of all, God's Son, Jesus Christ. (John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.") Jesus says in John 14:6: I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by Me." Jesus is the best Gift who provides the only way to Heaven. Just as you accepted the gift that brought you to this page, Jesus wants you to accept His gift of salvation. You can find out how to do that here. Remember, it's not enough to just "know about" the gift - it doesn't do any good unless you accept it!
  • It's not a coincidence that you received the gift you did, when you did. God planned for you to be blessed in this special way, and He knew that you would land on this webpage and read these words. He loves you and wants you to accept His Gift, His Son, Jesus. If you have questions, please click here to find out how you can accept Jesus into your life. You can also reach out to us by email (ask@aGoodGift.org).
  • Our website was not responsible for the gift you received. You don't need to thank us. God used someone to bless you with the gift, and He deserves your gratitude. Most importantly, He wants you to understand the special gift He has prepared for you in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please read it carefully today.
  • Consider "paying it forward." If you were blessed by the gift you received, you might want to give something of value (money, a gift card, object, or service) to someone else. And include the AGoodGift.org card with it, so that person can learn about Jesus, the Best Gift of all!
  • Finally, fellowship with other believers and attendance at a Bible-believing church is essential for all Christians. You can find a Christ-centered local church near you at the Billy Graham Online Church Finder.

The Story of God's Creation, Man's Downfall, and Jesus' Rescue Mission (6 minutes)